Tragedy struck in Abeokuta on Thursday as a police corporal shot dead his wife, a commercial motorcyclist and five members of a family. The corporal, Sunkanmi Ogunbiyi, also killed himself. The incident occurred at 67, Ifelodun Street, Akingbala, Eleweeran in Abeokuta. An eyewitness, who pleaded anonymity, told journalists that Sunkanmi arrived at the building at about 7am where the landlady, simply identified as Iya Basira, her three children and a grandchild were living.
He said Sunkanmi’s wife, Oluwatosin, also a police corporal, usually relocated with her two children to Iya Basira’s house whenever she had a misunderstanding with the policeman. He said the policemen had allegedly warned Iya Basira on many occasions to stop accommodating his family.
“About two weeks ago, Sunkanmi and his wife quarrelled, and the wife took her two children to live with Iya Basira,” he said. The corporal shot his wife in front of Iya Bashira’s house and went inside and shot Iya Bashira, her three children and her two-year-old grandchild.
“He kissed his two children and handed them over to a commercial motorcyclist, who brought him to the building, asking him to take care of them, before killing himself,’’The eyewitness said three persons, who sustained gunshot injuries during the incident, had been rushed to the Federal Medical Centre, Idi-Aba, Abeokuta.
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