Friday, 28 March 2014

Bride Gets 30 Years Jail Term For Murder of Her Husband

A newly-wed bride who shoved her husband off a cliff on their honeymoon was sentenced to 30 years in prison for his murder today. Jordan Graham, 22, had tried to withdraw her guilty plea on the basis that prosecutors had gone back on a plea deal by pressing for a life sentence. But District Judge Donald Molloy turned down her lawyers' challenge to the second-degree murder charge she admitted at a trial in Missoula, Montana, in December.

Graham admitted shoving her husband, 25-year-old Cody Johnson, to his death on a hike at nearby Glacier National Park eight days after their wedding. She said they drove to the national park last July and walked down a rocky slope to the edge of a steep drop of a couple hundred feet to a ravine. Graham claimed they had argued and she had told her new husband that she wasn't happy and "wasn't sure we should be married".

She said he grabbed her hand leading her to tell him to let go. Graham said: "I wasn't thinking about where we were. "I just pushed." Graham drove home to Kalispell about an hour away and invented a cover story that Johnson had gone for a "joyride" with friends. Johnson was reported missing by a friend and co-worker and his body was found under the cliff three days later. Graham escaped a first-degree murder charge, which carries a mandatory life sentence, by pleading guilty to second-degree murder.

Judge Molloy sentenced Graham to 30 years with no chance of early parole, followed by five years of supervised release. He said: "Jordan Linn Graham didn't have the human capacity to feel the wrongfulness of what she'd done, to seek help or even tell his mother." Graham's defence lawyer Michael Donahoe argued that her "extremely reckless but unintentional act" only warranted 10 years in prison. 


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