Thursday, 17 April 2014

'Jesus Is a Myth' - Atheist Group Sets Up Banner in Response to Christian Easter Display at Wis. Capitol

An atheist group is combatting a Christian Easter display at Wisconsin's Capitol building in Madison by setting up a sign that reads "Nobody died for our 'sins,' Jesus Christ is a myth."
The Freedom From Religion Foundation says it rushed to get a permit for their display after seeing that the Concerned Women for America group was able to set up their own display at Wisconsin's Capitol building. The CWA group's display reportedly included a Christian cross and pro-life literature. The conservative women's group says on its website that it's dedicated to bringing "biblical principles into all levels of public policy."

Annie Laurie Gaylor, president of the FFRF, said in a statement that she finds it "unfortunate" to see a cross displayed in front of a capitol building.
"It's unfortunate to see a sectarian symbol that is increasingly used as a symbol of political intimidation in our state capitol," Gaylor said. "It's also unfortunate to see women serving as a front for a patriarchal religion based on women's subservience and second-class status. This is the same group that helped defeat the Equal Rights Amendment citing its allegiance to biblical principles, instead of civil liberties under our secular government."
Faith and Freedom Coalition Chairman Ralph Reed told Fox News that he believes in free speech rights, even though he finds the sign to be "repugnant" and showing "contempt" toward the Christian religion.
"I would certainly hope that people would show more respect for and deference on this most high and holy week … but unfortunately, we crossed that line a long time ago," said Reed, whose nonprofit group seeks to establish conservative principles such as small government and a pro-life culture.
 The Wisconsin Capitol building in Madison has long been a site for display battles between atheists and Christians, especially during the holiday season. Over the past few years, the Madison-based Freedom From Religion Foundation has put up both an "winter solstice message" and a "natural nativity display" at the capitol building, alongside other displays such as the traditional Christmas tree and the less-traditional Festivus pole.

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