Sunday, 20 April 2014

(Interview): Man Invents Vehicle That Moves On Sea, Land And Air; Needs $250M To Complete Project

Durojaiye Kehinde Obasanjo poses with his Amphibian Jet Car A2
OCB caught up with Durojaiye who  prefers to be called Kenny Jet, in Ikeja. He proudly paraded his Amphibian Jet Car round the streets of Lagos causing every neck to twist and turn at the sight of this alien car. When OCB approached him he granted this interview. This is Proudly Naija!

OCB: Good afternoon. Can we meet you?

DKO: My name is Durojaiye Kehinde Obasanjo. I invented this locally made Amphibian Jet Car. It is a machine built here with 70% local material and it is designed to fly, move on land and on the sea. Presently, out of these three operations, I have been able to achieve two. Presently, it moves and land and on the sea. These two have been tested. I personally drove on the sea towards Main Land Bridge here in Lagos. So for now I’m trying to fly it. It moves on land and it is perfect. There is Amphibian Jet Car A1, A2 and Air 3. But this is A1. It is the peculiar sophistication that makes the difference.

OCB: Are you a graduate?

DKO: Yes! I studied Electronics and Computer from the Lagos State University (LASU) and graduated in 1995.

OCB:What gave you the inspiration to do this?

DKO: I was inspired by creative dexterity. I can say simply the urge for creativity. Seeing other countries building their own technologies has inspired me to want to do same for my country. I want Nigeria to also be counted among the technologically advanced countries in the world.

OCB: Have you been attempting such kind of creativity from your childhood days? When did you actually begin to see yourself in the light of a creative engineer?

DKO: Precisely, it is a gift. I started right from my childhood days at age 6 precisely. I operated with a remote controlled bug which was built by me.  In 1990, President Babangida visited me after the Gideon Orkar’s coup. He visited some of the projects which I have the pictures with me. He watched one of my projects which I projected into the air like a missile. The Federal government commended me and promised to get in touch with me. It is documented but up till now, I’m still expecting. Since my projects can attract the president, then you know that it is a gift from God. It all started from my childhood.

OCB: In 1990, were you an undergraduate?

DKO: Yes. I had just finished my secondary school then. The then Minister of Science & Technology was privy to the project and he was the one who invited the president to see.

OCB: So what are your challenges at the moment?

DKO: I want this project (Amphibian Jet Car) to be credited to Nigeria as the first nation to do something of this nature but my challenge is finance. This is my major challenge. Nigeria has the potential to do a mass production of this project. I need finance and materials with which to carry out the operation. So Nigeria has the potential to be the first to produce a vehicle of this nature. I need the support of government or private sectors to actualize this. I want this Jet Car to fly in the air between two to three hours non-stop. Good I have already achieved the land and sea operations. I’m left with the flying aspect.

OCB: Are you saying there is no other country with this kind of vehicle that operates these three mediums of transportation?

DKO: Yes! This is the first of its kind. You can go through history. You can never find a vehicle that can fly, move on land and on the sea as well. Only America has tried to build the one that can move on land and fly. They are also trying to build the one that can move on sea and on land. But they don’t have a vehicle that can perform the three operations. They themselves came to see the project and confirmed that Nigeria will be the first country to do so if this project is completed and becomes a success. So if I am encouraged, I will get to the root of it.

OCB: So to what direction are you seeking financial support?

DKO: From anywhere available. Either from private, international or governmental organisations. This kind of project will not only be useful to Nigeria but to the whole world too. For instance, the Malaysian plane that got lost in the Indian Ocean and is still being sought for, this kind of project can help in the search. So I want the Federal Government, state governments, private sectors or the international governments to come to my aid.

OCB: The Malaysian plane is far at the depth of the sea. Can such a project be useful for such search?

DKO: Yes. If it is on the sea it can detect some certain circumference in the sea. There is one that I am building currently that can move under the sea, on the sea and on the land. It is almost completed as we speak. I’m only using this as a showcase to the world. That one will be able to move on land and underneath the sea.

OCB: Do you have the technology for a marine search in this Amphibian Jet Car?
DKO:Yes! It is there…

OCB: [cuts in…]Does it have a screen?

DKO: It has a screen. There is a camera that using electrical energy that detects any object in the sea. Though like I said earlier, financial constraint has not allowed for improvement on this technology. It can detect any intrusive object in the water, because without movement on water will not be reliable. It uses a detective technology called photoelectric emission to detect any intrusive rock or object and also helps calculate the angle of deviation with options so that you don’t collide with the intrusive object. This technology is locally made here in Nigeria also.

OCB: What are the technological features of this Amphibian Jet Car? I can a keyboard on its dashboard.

DKO: The keyboard is the control board which operates the gear system digitally. It has a code with which to start he vehicle. There is a propeller behind the vehicle which operates with aerodynamics, operating the same principles with aircraft, on land sea an in the air. It moves like aircraft when on the sea. An aeronautic Engineer will understand what I’m saying.

OCB: How much would you require completing your project?

DKO: This is just a prototype. But the standard project it will cost about $250M. But when it becomes a product, it will become much lesser.

OCB: With this particular one, can you work on it to make it fly?

DKO: Yes. I have succeeded on land and water already. Though it is scrap it has been tested within a long distant range. It has travelled from here (Lagos) to as far as Shagamu and Ibadan. Despite the fact that it is made of scraps and junks, I am working on it to make it fly. It will be very safe flying for close to two to four hours non-stop just as it is safe for it to move on the sea. The way it is built, it can never sink. So it will enjoy the same safety in the air.

OCB: With the way it is looking, will it be able to stand the wind power of the altitude (in the air) since it is made of scraps?

DKO: Yes. The way it is designed is very compatible with the air. For instance, if there is any technical fault during flight and it affects the engine, it will not nose dive or come crashing; it will rather come down slowly like a feather. Nigerians are highly talented people. We only need financial support to carry out our projects.

OCB: Thank you very much for your time. We pray that your dreams come true and you get the support you need to actualise your project. Wish you success in making Nigeria proud.

DKO: Thank you very much.

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