Friday, 4 October 2013

5 Ways To Avoid Waterborne Diseases


Nigeria is a victim of annual flooding caused by heavy rains which affect more than 7 million people every year. It also causes the spread of waterborne diseases.

The Tide News Online reports that almost 900,000 children die every year after being infected with waterborne viruses like diarrhea, meningitis and measles. There are, however, ways to avoid being infected with one of these diseases. Here are five tips to help you avoid them.

  1. Do not drink untreated water. Whether it comes from a river, a spring or even a well, untreated water is likely to be contaminated with faeces. Untreated water has to be boiled for up to 5 minutes and be treated with chemicals such as Aquatabs to be fit for human consumption.
  2. Do not depend on filters. Filters may not be able to remove all the harmful particles in water and you might need to treat the water with Aquatabs after filtration.
  3. Avoid putting ice in your drinks. If you do want ice in your drink, make sure it has been made with water that has been thoroughly treated.
  4. Be hygienic. Frequent hand washing with and ensuring that cutlery and cooking utensils etc. are clean and disinfected will prevent the spread of diseases.
  5. Use treated water for cooking. Do not use untreated water to cook with and thoroughly wash uncooked fruits and vegetables with treated water.

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